Goals and Missions
Directional Elements of NPC
NPC Basic Goal
Macro-planning, policy-making, regulation, laying the groundwork and supporting the sustainable development of the petrochemical industry to improve the quality of people’s life
Basic Goal: Definition of Concepts
- Formulation of strategy and development roadmap for sustainable development of the country's petrochemical industry according to the available facilities and capabilities, as well as the developments in the national and global industrial arenas;
- The roadmap will be a guide for investing in the petrochemical industry.
- Develop and propose policies that the company, administration, and parliament approve and implement to encourage and attract investment to achieve the goals and plans of the industry.
- Given that investment in the petrochemical industry is generally not mandatory and is done by the private sector, the developed policies create incentives based on national and economic interests in terms of location and type of private sector industries towards the envisaged roadmap.
- In order to protect the public interest, including the national interest and the interests of the entire petrochemical industry, and in order to prevent monopolies and create a competitive environment, standards are developed and monitored for the industry.
- The standards regulate issues such as controlling external costs (externality) in the fields of environment, safety and health of the workplace, transparency and accuracy of information provided to customers and respect for their rights, and the minimum technical specifications of various products.
Laying Groundwork:
- It includes planning and laying the groundwork for creation of the necessary physical and educational infrastructure, such as transportation, energy, water and training infrastructure for construction and development of the petrochemical industry.
- In creating physical infrastructure, NPC primarily develops policies and incentives for construction of such infrastructure by the non-governmental sector. In the event that the non-governmental sector fails to take action to create infrastructure, NPC will do so with the participation of the non-governmental sector or independently, and after commissioning, it will hand them over to the non-governmental sector.
- Investigating legal obstacles and problems in the sustainable development of the petrochemical industry and trying to eliminate them.
- Investigate the bottlenecks and shortcomings of production units in various fields such as development, utilization of production capacity, finance, human resources, marketing and sales, and technology and exert efforts for political and administrative assistance in solving them.
NPC Fundamental Values
Value creation, accountability, commitment to sustainable development
Defining NPC Values
Value creation:
- This value means valuing the activities and measures that create value added towards the core goal of the company.
- Carrying out activities that fail to create value added are not considered value.
- Accountability to stakeholders and in relation to the actions taken is value; otherwise it is worthless.
Commitment to Sustainable Development:
- Commitment to sustainable development of the industry in various aspects such as environmental protection, community health, optimal use of non-renewable resources and the growth of domestic capabilities for endogenous and sustainable industry growth is one of the company's values.
NPC Mission Statement
Relying on more than half a century of efficient experience and benefiting from its human and intellectual capital with the approach of reducing raw material sales and completing the value chain, the National Petrochemical Company, as a development organization, pursues macro-planning, policy-making, regulation, laying the groundwork, facilitating and supporting the sustainable development of the petrochemical industry.
The National Petrochemical Company plays a key role in the country's economic development and improving the quality of life of the people by emphasizing social responsibility for the protection of the environment and national resources, respecting value creation, accountability and respect for the rights of stakeholders.
To become the most efficient petrochemical development organization in the West Asian region.